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Personnel Committee Minutes 08/03/06


PRESENT:  Members Jennie Greene, Susan Heilbron and Max McCreery.  Also present:  Selectmen’s Liaison Riggs Parker, Staff Liaison Polly McDowell, Frank Yeomans and Chuck Hodgkinson.  Absent:  Lois Norton, Richard Williams and Executive Secretary Tim Carroll.

MEETING MINUTES:  The review of meeting minutes for 6/1, 6/15, 6/29 and 7/20 was postponed to the next Personnel Board (PB) meeting.

FRANK YEOMANS DISCUSSION:  Mr. Yeomans complimented the Personnel Board (PB) for the work they have been doing to organize the town’s personnel policies and practices.  He continued by stating the purpose of his visit is to share some observations he has noticed from his experience on several town committees and from owning property in three other island towns.  Mr. Yeomans believes the town committees and management are making decisions based upon incomplete information that results in excessive fees and inflated budgets.  

The recent PB recommendation to add one hour to the Tax Collector’s weekly salary budget prompted today’s discussion.  Mr. Yeomans presented a draft summary of the weekly work hours for various town positions from 1998 to the present—source town annual report.  Polly M. explained that the summary data published in the annual reports is misleading because it does not list all of the job assignments associated with the various town positions.  Mr. Yeomans proceeded to share his experiences with other towns and the deficiencies and opportunities for better, more competitive salaries for the various positions.  Mr. McCreery asked Mr. Yeomans if he has an idea of what to do.  Mr. Yeomans suggested having a town financial board of advisors that meets regularly with the town finance team – accountant, treasurer and perhaps tax collector to review the on going financial practices and data.  Mr. Parker mentioned he thought the elected Finance Advisory Committee should oversee these matters and suggested discussing it with the committee.  He added that this is outside the PB’s responsibilities.  Ms. Greene thanked Mr. Yeomans for his comments and said the PB will take them under advisement.

ASSISTANT TOWN CLERK:  Mr. Parker informed the PB that the Board of Selectmen (BOS) determined the Executive Secretary can no longer be an assistant town clerk because he supervises the town clerk.  He added that the receptionist would act as the assistant town clerk when the town clerk is on holiday or leave.  The town clerk’s published hours will remain the same (8:00 AM – 12 Noon).  Chuck H. will meet with the Town Clerk and clarify the precise duties the assistant town clerk may or may not perform, communicate this to all parties involved and report back to the PB.   

R. WILLIAMS’ LETTER TO PB:  Ms. Heilbron recommended and the PB agreed to copy the BOS on Mr. Williams’ letter dated 8/1/06 outlining the hiring process used for the new Housing Committee/Planning Board Administrative Assistant.  Ms. Greene commented the PB must clarify this process.  Ms. Heilbron said Mr. Williams has offered to lead the development of these procedures.  Ms. Greene volunteered to help.

POLICE EMERGENCY HIRES:  Ms. Greene summarized the need to hire four seasonal police officers to replace the current employees that are leaving on August 15.  Ms. Heilbron made a motion to establish the pay rate for the traffic officer at Grade 5 Step 1.  Mr. McCreery seconded and the vote was unanimous in favor.

NEW HOUSING/PLANNING ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT:  Ms. Greene inquired about the final resolution and decision for this new hire and asked the Executive Secretary to inform the PB of the official start date, hours and recommended pay rate for this person so the official hiring notice may be sent to the appointee.  Chuck H. will follow up.

Ms. Greene left at 8:40 am.

With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 8:45 am.              

Respectfully submitted by Chuck Hodgkinson, CAS.